Review of the Year 2009.
Iceland Gulls saw loads in the year! Orchid of the Year- Bee Orchid in a Leicester Park! Pec Sand at Cosso and finally the highlight of the year for me 21 Killer Whales in Biscay! As I have been at work for the whole of the Christmas period, I probably won't be doing any more birding this year except for my annual trip to Caerlaverock WWT via my brother's home in Glasgow. So I thought I would have a review of the year of the sightings and my finds of the year. Winter: A good start to the year included a lifer in the form the Glaucous-winged Gull at Cowpen Landfill, Co.Durham. Other highlights in the month included a patch tick with a dark bellied Brent Goose at " Wanlip North Lakes " with the large mixed goose flock. The only other rarity for Leicestershire I saw was the mobile Great White Egret at Sheepy Magna, West Leicestershire on the 18th. February was all about me finding loads of white-winged Gulls at different sites in the county. It started with me findin