Just over a week ago I was in Dumfries and Galloway visiting my brother Tim's family and enjoying the scenery of this very under rated part of Scotland. The village me and my dad were based at was Garlieston http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/landscapes/garlieston/ , famous for building the Mulberry Harbours for the D-Day landing in WW2 and my brother house/shop is in Whithorn , famous for the location of the cult British Horror movie " The Wicker Man" http://www.whithorn.info/history/index.asp . Wildlife highlights over the week included seeing Minke Whales and the usual seabirds ( Black Guilemots , Puffins , Guilemots , Kittewakes etc...) off Mull of Galloway RSPB http://www.rspb.org.uk/reserves/guide/m/mullofgalloway/index.aspx . A wild Osprey over the Silver Flowe NNR http://www.welcometoscotland.com/things-to-do/attractions/nature-reserves/dumfries-galloway/silver-flowe-national-nature-reserve-snh whilst looking for Azure Hawker! and british butterfly ticks in the