
Showing posts from November, 2011

Thieving Basta*ds!!

Well getting home on Thursday I found out that my home had been burgled!! The bastards took 2 computers, smashed my tv and ripped my leather sofa. So at the present my updates will be limited due to no computers!...

The Saxons are coming!?!...AEH1 Black-headed Gull @ WCPS last week!

Last week I got some better shots of the Yellow colour ringed Black-headed Gull (AEH1) in the car park at Watermead CP South, but due to me having Man flu last week, this first time I have been able to post the photos! The bird was rung in  Leese/Stolzenau, Kreis Nienburg, Niedersachsen, Germany, which is in Lower Saxony and had migrated 690km west. Here is a link of were the Gull was rung:,+Kreis+Nienburg,+Niedersachsen,+Germany&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=4p_DTpaUKIO78gOdgc2VCw&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=3&ved=0CBcQ_AUoAg

Yasmin - 'Finish Line' (Freemasons Pegasus Club Mix)


Florence + The Machine - No Light, No Light (on Later Live with Jools Ho...


Kasabian Lana Del Rey Video Games BBC Radio 1 Student Tour 2011


Autumn 2011//Lana del Rey - Video Games [HD]


Just like Buses!?! Another Caspian Gull@ Watermead CP South!!

Record shot of the Adult Caspian Gull! With a couple of hours spare yesterday morning I nipped over to Watermead CP South as usual to check the gulls. I have noticed over the last few weeks that for some reason the gulls numbers increase over the weekend. It's probably due to most of  the tips closed and plenty of food around the car park!? Well checking the main island I noticed straight away that it had another Adult Caspian Gull on it!! This was the third sighting of a Caspian Gull in just over a week, so I have now found the second, third and fourth record for the city. With it still being a description species for VC55, I took a few record shots of the bird from the nearby shoreline and let a few people know of the sighting. Looking at the Casper I thought it looked very much like the bird I had found the previous year, so it maybe a returning bird? With Caspian and Yellow-legged Gull now firmly ticked off on the city list it would be nice if we could now have a Med

FAITHLESS - Not Going Home (Eric Prydz Remix) [CD Rip]


Pet Shop Boys Paninaro Original HD

Classic track from the late 80's!

Godly & Cream - Cry


10cc - I'm Not In Love (Christmas TOTP '75)


Another colour-ringed Gull@ WCPS

Here is a couple shots of another colour ringed Gull, Juvenile Herring Gull (H7C7) which has been around the country park for the last few weeks. I finally got to read the code on the ring a couple of days ago and it looks like the Herring Gull was ringed in Germany and possible on the famous Helgoland island!?! I will update you more info on the Herring Gull when I get it...

Another Casper at WCPS!

Ok you wait years for one to turn up and then you have two turn up in a week! What are talking about Dave?... Well yesterday after finishing the early shift at the General I was down again at Watermead CP South to check on the Gulls in the car park and to see if any large Gulls were on the island. Not much in the car park except for courting Asian couples, the odd dope smoker and the long staying V028 and JAN4 ringed Black-headed Heads! On the main island I noticed a good number of  Lesser Black-backed Gulls ,  Herring Gulls  and what looked like a  1st winter Caspian Gull !?! Well to cut a long story short, I took a few shots of the bird and when I got home I did a bit of research on the net. Please see the photos attached: Comments are welcome on the ID of the bird! 1st Winter Caspian Gull on the main island@ Watermead! 1st Winter Caspian Gull@Watermead CP South (on the left) The casper is the one next to the goose!