Leicestershire Orchids: Greater Butterfly Orchid and Southern Marsh Orchid 8th June 2009.

In the afternoon I checked out Cloud Wood LRWT and the A50 by-pass at Markfield.
The orchids I saw included Greater Butterfly Orchid,Common Spotted Orchid, and a non-flowering Bee Orchid at Cloud Wood.
On the way home I checked out the by-pass at Markfield and found hundreds of Southern Marsh Orchids next to the busy road.


Anonymous said…
I greatly enjoy your sight.
I visited Cloud Wood a few days ago.I saw many delightful plants, but I noted areas that advised that the area was sensative.
Your photographs are raely nice,
please continue posting.
Alison Rhodes
davidearlgray said…
Thanks for the comments Alison, more postings coming soon!

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