Bee Orchids in NE Leics

Check out one of my favourite orchid sites in Leicestershire over the weekend and found good numbers of Bee Orchids and the rare form Var. chlorantha in the usual place. I also found at least 20+ Pyramidal Orchids but these plants were still in bud.
Bee Orchid
I will be keeping an eye on this site for the next couple of weeks and will probably do a proper count of the Bee Orchids next weekend.
 "Var.chlorantha" Bee Orchid


goosefat said…
I'm naked but even I can rotate photos so they are the right, fucking, way up!
davidearlgray said…
Well Goosefat try and work it on my laptop,because it doesn't seem to FUCKING WORK!!
davidearlgray said…
Cheers for the advice last night Goosefat, now sorted the photo problem!

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