A few bird photos over the last few months...
Over the last year I bought myself a new Leica lens (100-400mm) for my Panasonic Lumix G9 Camera, so here's a few photos I have taken over the last few months. First up the long staying Lesser Yellowlegs at Frampton Marsh RSPB. Next up the Northern Waterthrush at Heyford, Essex... and finally for the time being one of the Yellow-browed Warbler at Oakthorpe, Leicestershire in Early January 2024.
With regards playback the only time any of the tristis have responded is when I played a call taken from the recordings that come with the "Catching the Bug" book. On playing this particular call the tristis dived deep into cover whilst all the collybita around it carried on regardless. I wondered why it did this until I saw the full title of the call - it was an alarm call in response to the presence of a Red-backed Shrike!
As an aside it's worth giving it a blast of Blyth's Reed Warbler song as this draws in all manner of birds.
Sorry I can't be of more help.
All the best,