So it's only a possible?!...

So the wise old men thinks it's only a possible?...
What are you talking about Dave?...well I talking about the probable Siberian Chiffchaff at Barrow!
From the confirmed various features seen in the field , I am able to tick off several pointers to tristis in the BBRC guidelines:

Absence of olive in the crown and mantle - check
Absence of yellow away from the underwing - check
Presence of a grey-brown or pale brown hue in the upperparts - check
Presence of warm buff in the supercilium and ear coverts - check
Presence of buff at the breast-sides/flanks - check
Small dark bill and black looking legs - check

The only thing against it at present is that the bird hasn't called yet! However reading a lot of literature via the web I have noted that a majority of the reported Sibe Chiffchaff in the country this winter have been silent . Also has anybody thought about the sex of bird? This bird might be a female bird so is it going to sing?!
So in conclusion if you have a chance to come and see this bird, I would as it's a very interesting and educational bird in the field...


So what was the 'identical bird' that Steve Lister had at Rutland Water the other day which sang and called like a collybita? No-one, wise, old or otherwise, seems to have an answer to that, and yet everyone seems happy to assume that every grey Chiffchaff now has to be tristis! That's what scientists call cherry-picking evidence....
Mark said…
Possible or probable what's the difference? It possibly is one or it probably isn't? It probably is one or it possibly isn't? I probably don't give a shit though possibly I might ;-)

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